
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101027291. The ENCOUNTER project will examine young adolescents' experiences in natural mentoring relationships in the EU context.

The implementation part of the project has been successfully concluded with the final report submitted to the European Research Agency (REA) by November 30, 2023. We will continue to inform the academic and professional community about further project outputs in the next 3 years. We would like to express our gratitude to all partners, participants, respondents, and collaborators for their successful contribution, and we hope for the impact of its outcomes on the Czech context.


Main researcher

Tereza Javornicky Brumovska, PhD.

Email: tereza.brumovska@fhs.cuni.cz

Project assistant

Markéta Michalcová

Email: michalcma@cuni.cz

Email projektu: encounter.mentoring@fhs.cuni.cz


Doc.Gabriela Seidlova Malkova, PhD.


Prof. Michal Molcho, PhD.

HOST Institution of the ENCOUNTER Project

Univerzita Karlova/ Charles University

Fakulta humanitnich studii/ Faculty of Humanities

Katedra psychologie a věd o životě/ Dept.of Psychology and Life Sciences

U Kříže 625/9, 158 00 Praha 5
