Reports from the progress of the project.

14th and 15th September hosted the Hybrid Conference at the Hybrsnká Campus in collaboration with FSV UK under the auspices of the ENCOUNTER project (supported by Horizon 2020 under Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action No. 101027291). For more information, visit the website:

Read this interview with Tereza Javornicky Brumovska:

A call for abstract : CHILDREN AND YOUTH PERSPECTIVES CONFERENCE: Theory, Research and Practice in European context. Conference will be in Prague 14th and 15th September 2023. Abstracts will be accepted until 31 March 2023

Here you can find more information: website:

On 25th of October from 16:00 to 18:00 will main researcher Tereza Javornicky Brumovská  attend MENTORING IN EUROPE: BUILDING A SOCIETY OF ENGAGEMENT TO REDUCE SOCIAL INEQUALITIES. This event is to discuss the ways forward in creating a favourable environment for the practice of mentoring to flourish across Member States. Most importantly for Europe to become a true educational power.  event will be hold in English, livestreamed here<…ope> and a reception will be served after the presentations and the exchange of views.

Project ENCOUNTER was received and presented in EU Parliament's hearing, organised by Mentoring Europe and hosted by the EU Parliament member Ilana Cicurel. Project ENCOUNTER and its benefits for the development of youth mentoring in the Czech and EU context were also discussed with the Czech Deputy Minister of Education Prof. Miller. The leaflet informs about the project's aims, preliminary research findings and planned outputs and benefits for youth mentoring in the Czech context, including the benefits for the project's partners and participants.

Encounter Project in autumn 2022 continues to find partner schools and Hobby organizations with teens who want to share their experiences with a natural mentor. We continue until the end of November 2022

The ENCOUNTER project also works with partner schools to evaluate and validate the outcome of the project, which involves teachers reflecting their results based on their practice. This will result in the development of a methodology for Mentoring in schools. This methodology will be appropriate to involve children and adolescents in the subject of mentoring, for example, under the new Well-being Framework Educational Programme at schools, where strengthening resilience and promoting the overall wellbeing of a pupil is one of the objectives of this new educational framework. Mentoring to improve resilience and overall positive development of adolescents contributes as one of the supporting factors in the lives of children and adolescents

ENCOUNTER research team visited Europen Mentoring Summit (on 18.-20.5.) . At this summit, there was a poster presentation a poster about our project presenting the main objectives, methods and analysis, and preliminary research findings. This presentation was made by research assistent in participatory youth- centered research methods.

Poster for download:

After the poster presentation, there was a workshop, in this workshop participants were introduced to the project and its main arguments, and then there was discussion about preliminary research findings from a perspective of a professional mentoring intervention. You can also find more information at:

With the start of 2022, the Data Management Plan and Ethical approval by the Research Ethics Committee at FHS UK is sought to initiate the research fieldwork in early February 2022.

Together with Prof. Michal Molcho we initiated the development of theoretical conceptualisation of natural mentoring framework with emphasis on child-centred approach, perspective of Children´s Studies and social context of natural mentoring phenomena.

The PI of the project participatd in the Secondment 1 visit of NUI Galway, Department of Children´s Studies.

ENCOUNTER participated in Science Communication Week in EU with the presentation called: "Who is my mentor? How (can) they support me?"

The initial 3 months of the project were dedicated to the 1. Science communication of the project to lay public, 2. Cooperation set up with project´s partners.

Project ENCOUNTER and Tereza J. Brumovska is part of COST C418213 Rural NEETs (Non-Educated not in Employment or Training Youths) in workgroup WG1: Social Networks & Social Inclusion. Results of ENCOUNTER will also contribute to the activities, goals, and outputs of this friendly network of COST researchers, academics, and professionals.

ENCOUNTER Project started on 27th of September 2021 and will last until 26th of September 2026.

Last change: February 24, 2024 11:43 

Main researcher

Tereza Javornicky Brumovska, PhD.


Project assistant

Markéta Michalcová


Email projektu:


Doc.Gabriela Seidlova Malkova, PhD.


Prof. Michal Molcho, PhD.

HOST Institution of the ENCOUNTER Project

Univerzita Karlova/ Charles University

Fakulta humanitnich studii/ Faculty of Humanities

Katedra psychologie a věd o životě/ Dept.of Psychology and Life Sciences

U Kříže 625/9, 158 00 Praha 5
