Research and Social Impact

The ENCOUNTER will contribute to current youth mentoring theory, research and practice, and eventually enhance supportive mentoring relationships while contributing to children's and youth's empowerment and well-being. The significant impact of the ENCOUNTER project in research, policy, the practice of social services and society will be as follows:

1. The impact in the field of youth mentoring will be generated through the dissemination of the results via high-quality open access publications, and communication of the ENCOUNTER themes and results across a variety of media outputs in cooperation with ENCOUNTER Partners.

2. On the academic level, the ENCOUNTER will integrate themes in the research agenda at the HOST. Via networking of the Host Institution with the partner NUI Galway, Department of Children's studies under the leadership of the ENCOUNTER Research fellow, and Supervisor and Co-Supervisor, two teaching modules on ENCOUNTER themes will be delivered in the HOST institution. The perspective of Children's studies will be integrated within the ENCOUNTER modules and beyond.

3. The ENCOUNTER will develop and establish the theme of child-centred youth mentoring in Czech academic research on the policy and practice level in the Czech context. And in the practice of children's educational services in the schools with potential in future international implementation

4. On the international research in youth mentoring level, the ENCOUNTER will establish a research team for world-class interdisciplinary and international collaborative research on children and youth mentoring, and prepare 1. a competitive research grant proposal in Horizon Europe (ERC grant proposal) on ENCOUNTER themes and 2. to collaborate on the edited book proposal (or Special Issue Journal) on ENCOUNTER Project's themes, 3. to develop the international mentoring programme on empowerment of mentoring skills for the general population of children and youths based on ENCOUNTER results.

5. On a policy and practice EU level, the ENCOUNTER will develop methodical guidelines and toolboxes to raise awareness of the benefits of NMRs, and empower children to initiate and maintain mentoring relationship.

Last change: August 7, 2023 16:27 

Main researcher

Tereza Javornicky Brumovska, PhD.


Project assistant

Markéta Michalcová


Email projektu:


Doc.Gabriela Seidlova Malkova, PhD.


Prof. Michal Molcho, PhD.

HOST Institution of the ENCOUNTER Project

Univerzita Karlova/ Charles University

Fakulta humanitnich studii/ Faculty of Humanities

Katedra psychologie a věd o životě/ Dept.of Psychology and Life Sciences

U Kříže 625/9, 158 00 Praha 5
