Natural mentoring relationships (NMRs) can positively affect children's cognitive and socio-emotional development, well-being, and authentic agency. In addition, NMRs contribute to the intergenerational dialogue and social cohesion in EUs societies, that is, to the current priorities of the EU Council's youth policy. Though formal youth mentoring interventions (FYM) that aim to foster the benefits of NMRs for socially disadvantaged youths are modelled on NMRs, there is a gap in knowledge on the dynamics and benefits of NMRs experienced in the general population of young adolescents (12-15 years) in the EU. Besides, despite the recognised benefits of NMRs, no mentoring programmes target the empowerment of youths (12-15 years) in mentoring skills in the general population, e.g. focusing on training for the whole classes in schools.

Building on the previous research on youth mentoring in the Czech Republic and beyond, the ENCOUNTER aims to examine the NMRs in experiences of young adolescents in the EU context, using the exploratory qualitative research design that draws on phenomenological interviews and visual participatory methods (PhotoVoice).

Last change: August 7, 2023 16:27 
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Main researcher

Tereza Javornicky Brumovska, PhD.

Email: tereza.brumovska@fhs.cuni.cz

Project assistant

Markéta Michalcová

Email: michalcma@cuni.cz

Email projektu: encounter.mentoring@fhs.cuni.cz


Doc.Gabriela Seidlova Malkova, PhD.


Prof. Michal Molcho, PhD.

HOST Institution of the ENCOUNTER Project

Univerzita Karlova/ Charles University

Fakulta humanitnich studii/ Faculty of Humanities

Katedra psychologie a věd o životě/ Dept.of Psychology and Life Sciences

U Kříže 625/9, 158 00 Praha 5
